Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Truly International

My  final parent-teacher consultation took the cake for international medlies... The parent's mother tounge is Korean, she speaks Swahili, and has some words in English. My mother tounge is English, I speak Spanish, and have some words in Swahili. So, we started the consultation off in my few words of Swahili, until I was in over my head. Then my brain automatically switched to Spanish, which was not very useful to her. Next I switched to English, which meant we had to switch to using my student, her 9 year old son, to translate English to Korean and back again... as we talked about his progres and his behavior! She finished the consultation with some beautifully spoken words of thanks in English.
Funny. Chistoso. Kuchekesha. 재미있은.


  1. Does that mean that she actually spoke English the whole time?

    1. No, but she can maybe speak better English than I can Swahili or Korean!
