During all this I was trying to help remotely, but they were getting discouraged and I was worried Pascaria would miss out on the care she needed.. So one friend kindly covered my classes and many others prayed as I went to help out.
I was glad I went because, being a little more pushy and task-oriented, I got Paskaria in to see the doctors Wednesday (instead of waiting for Friday). Then we were able to get all the preliminary tests done, so the results will be ready when she returns next Wednesday to finish up the evaluation, and surgery if the doctors decide that's the answer. (I think they are good doctors.) I also got Pascaria connected to Sister Suzana who runs accounting who will help with logistics in the future. Really, I was glad I went because it was so fun to see how the hospital works and to travel with my friend (LOTS of other stories here... but our dinner out photo will have to suffice)!!
And, of course, it was God who provided all these things and enabled me to help, and I think Paskaria knows that. We returned yesterday... And I think the second photos showed how we felt. Do pray for the next visit. This is the verse one friend is praying for Paskaria:
May you be strengthened with all power,
according to his glorious might,
for all endurance and patience with joy.
Colossians 1:11
Wow! And i thought I was running around in vast circles of red tape this week trying to get my mom's address changed on her social security! So glad you were able to go help, and we will be praying for Paskaria's health and possible surgery.