
Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Sunday I attended The Vineyard church for about the fourth time. Here is a photo. You can see the building is open to the breeze and has a thatched roof, which is common. The building doubles as a coffee shop and triples as a daycare during the week. It's owned by a Christian couple, and named Dawn's Corner.

The church body is a mix of Tanzanians, Europeans, Americans, and Philipinos. The worship is joyful, led by a Tanzanian man whose family my house had over for lunch after the service Sunday. The pastor is from the States, and I've enjoyed meditating on the scripture and points of his messages.

When I arrived with three of my housemates this Sunday, we were asked to help in an emergency children's church need. I enjoyed helping the 2-5 year-olds obediently follow directions to make a caterpillar... I especially liked the sparkly star antennae! However, the kids were so engaging that I didn't think to take a picture, so I drew one instead. I used a Swahili flashcard that I don't need anymore. It's the word for "here," hapa. And hapa is appropriate because hapa is where I'll stay. I've decided that this is the church I'll be a part of here in Dar!

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