
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Glimpses of My Week

The kids made and tested aluminum foil boats this week, a fun final activity in our Transportation unit. Although many plastic cubes (i.e. "passengers") drowned in the process, the kids showed great thinking skills. They were able to generalize what makes a boat able to carry more weight, then design new improved boats.

 Emily and I had shopping duty last week. We were very impressed with ourselves. It was a fun outing, because we coupled it with a stop at a Western-like coffee shop.

I figured out the route to church today! Last week we got lost on the way. Tomorrow the trek should just take 20 minutes. It's quite pleasant, past homes and "dukas" (little stores), like these two. ZEBRA STRIPES!

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU for your postings -- photos and words -- that help us feel part of your life over there. Your kids are beautiful, and of course I love seeing you and Emily at a COFFEE SHOP!, and I even got to walk down the street to your church with you -- past colorful dukas!
