
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Assembly Accomplished!

 We worked HARD this week! Before the break the kids had researched words in an acrostic for Medieval Times (Minstrels, Invaders, black Death, Illuminated letters...). This week we finalized that research, and the kids developed mini presentations/skits for our assembly. We also prepared a minstrel band to play an authentic medieval tune, and a troupe of dancers who used a utube video as inspiration for choreagraphing their own dance!

It felt like a crazy week to me, but it paid off in a lovely assembly. Especially, it was a lovely accomplishment for the kids, to work together and prepare all the details, then have their parents and the rest of the primary school enjoy the assembly. It was also a reminder to me, to trust God in uncomfortable times, and that the kids are really amazing!

...And now back to "normal" life!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Zanzibar Rest

 Last week was mid-term break. Three of my housemates and I went to Zanzibar for three nights. We stayed on the beach. Here is a picture of Rose, Ali, and Emily (and Winston, another teacher from our school) about to jump on the beautiful white sand. I got to swim in that aquamarine Indian Ocean each morning!

This is a photo of the village situated along the beach. Many people in the village fish and have businesses for tourists, such as massage or restaurants.

We went on a spice tour. I loved seeing how spices grow! This is nutmeg, wrapped in crimson mace!

It was nice to have a rest. Today we are back to work/school. My class is preparing to present about Medieval Times at our Friday assembly this week. Lots of work ahead!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Birthday Poem

Today the parents of my students were so kind as to plan a morning of activities, culminating with a party, in celebration of my birthday. That gave me less planning for the week, and some sweet time with the students before our week-long midterm break.

At the end of the day a few of the girls wrote me this poem, which I must share. It says: "You are nice and kind, Dear Mrs. Deal. Even an animal would like you. Example: a seal." (I added in the punctuation they used in oral delivery... looks like a writing objective for after the break!)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

This One's For You, Mom!

Mom asked to see where I actually live, and I imagine that might be interesting to others too... So here is a new Picassa album, of just the house. It’s a lovely house, giving no reason to pity me! Though, I haven’t taken photos of everything, for example the scorpion and scarlet-headed centipede visitors to my bathroom… Best not to think much about them!

This One's For You, Mom!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Kitavi Cluster

Kitavi Cluster?! Is this a new type of breakfast cereal?!

No, Kitavi Cluster is the newest group of languages receiving God’s Word translated into their mother tongues. The cluster is located around Mpanda, in western Tanzania. Five couples from around the world are converging in Mpanda to study the languages and begin the translation process. One of the couples was a part of my July orientation to SIL. Two couples come with children; the couple I trained with is expecting their first child. Here are some things you could pray for the Kitavi Cluster:
  • Pray that local churches would come together and engage in the translation project.
  • Pray for people within the language groups to be identified and trained for leadership roles.
  • Pray for provision and wise use of resources.
  • Pray that the families would be safe and have their physical/spiritual needs met as they serve in this remote area.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Glimpses of My Week

The kids made and tested aluminum foil boats this week, a fun final activity in our Transportation unit. Although many plastic cubes (i.e. "passengers") drowned in the process, the kids showed great thinking skills. They were able to generalize what makes a boat able to carry more weight, then design new improved boats.

 Emily and I had shopping duty last week. We were very impressed with ourselves. It was a fun outing, because we coupled it with a stop at a Western-like coffee shop.

I figured out the route to church today! Last week we got lost on the way. Tomorrow the trek should just take 20 minutes. It's quite pleasant, past homes and "dukas" (little stores), like these two. ZEBRA STRIPES!