
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easter Celebration

We just finished with our Easter Celebration here at HOPAC. The students rotated through seven stations,experiencing events in the last week of Jesus' life. I got to share seven times in a row about the last meal that Jesus "ferverently desired" to share with His disciples.

We talked about special meals we share with family and special things we give each other when we part. We connected this to what Jesus gave to remind us of Him: bread and wine. We talked about how He chose to break His body for us, the bread, and to shed His blood for us, the wine. I especially liked talking about "the blood of the new covenant," not like the old covenant that required animal sacrifices for forgiveness of sins... but the new covenant where Jesus' blood forgives us once and for all and enables us to have His Spirit to change us.

I am deeply glad for that, because I can not change myself nor earn forgiveness, just as the Isrealites could not for all the hundreds of years of old testament history.

Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A New Thing

Well, it's an old thing... but new for me in Tanzania; I've started to create art a bit. I find that some things, like art and smoothie-making and hiking, take extra effort here in TZ. So, since all the adjustment have taken extra energy, those things have been on a back burner in my life. I sort of rediscovered my enjoyment of art. I also realized or remembered that the process of creation helps me reflect on who God is and what He does in me... because much of my subject matter is spiritual. Also, my pictures are a way of praying back to God what He speaks to me, and sharing it with others.

Under Wing is the piece on the left. It echos a verse in Psalm 17: "Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings." I've been very much aware of my weaknesses as I am in a new place and a new job. So, Christ's grace and HIS righteousness (not mine) are becoming more real to me. Sometimes the best thing I can do is rest, knowing He is real and with me.

Cocoon has similar inspirations... but I first thought of it when my friend and housemate, Emily, read me her poem, Butterflies, when I was in a "dark night of the soul."


by Emily Henry

Cocoons-odd shapes and
off colour, hang delicately
from above.
Inside there is a struggle,
a fight, to be free of
this case that seems
to limit it.

Despite being unaware of
what awaits it outside,
it continues to move
back and forth,
pushing and fighting
in its hide
away place that cannot
deliver it.

Movement-of a different
An opening to let light
and freedom in
and something different
Something new and
Beautiful, not only for colours
clean and bright but the
dark struggles of doubt overruled.

Used by authorization of Emily Henry.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Backyard Som Tam

Here you see our papaya tree is growing up! The fruits are not yet ripe, but green papaya is the main ingredient in Som Tam, a delicious Thai recipe. I harvested a papaya from the courtyard outside my room, grated it all up, then added other vegetables, peanuts, and a sauce. For the sauce I used basil and red peppers, from outside our front door! I also used limes that a student gave me from her family's tree. I enjoyed gathering and using so many ingredients by stepping outside. Backyard Som Tam

Monday, March 12, 2012


The field trip we took last week was designed for me. Pottery is not a big thing in Tanzania, but it just so happens that 3rd grade at HOPAC go to a mineral supply company to learn about making pottery.

It links perfectly with Ancient Greek history, which we will study next term, and States of Matter, which we are studying now. I had lots of fun telling the kids about my parents' pottery business and showing their OPB Art Beat footage. We talked about how Ancient Greek history is preserved in part through the vessels found in archeological digs, including the drawings of daily life the Greeks painted on their pottery. We talked about the solids, liquids, and temperatures involved in ceramics.

 On the field trip kids got to hand build and experience throwing their own pottery. I felt at home, a little home-sick, surrounded by all the smells and sights of a workshop.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Beyond My Wildest Mango Dreams

It was Teacher Appreciation Week last week. My students showed that they really know me; They gave art and mangos! THIS is a mango pie. Wow is all you can say.

I felt encouraged and my tummy was happy. And, look at those flowers our house helper picked from our front yard!

We also started Mango Math last week. That really means math learning centers, where they work on skills in small groups. For us, their groups are mangos and they travel to the different branches instead of centers. It has been a blessing because they love it, and help each other learn.