
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Haiku @ 2:30 am

I was teaching about haiku the next day anyway, so I figured I'd write a few since I was up... The first shows why I was up... then there's one about our new shelf, one about the cool boulders on Lake Victoria, and one more... A poetic glimpse into my life of late.

Please don't bite me. Mister,                             Tall and full of nooks.       
you are not kind. I can't sleep.                           Now we have a place to put
My elbow itches.                                              all our bowls and plates.

Boulders like hundreds                                     Floating, restoring,
of ice cream scoops piled on                            oblivion of sleep is 
the edge of our lake.                                        where I want to be.

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