
Friday, March 14, 2014

My Joys are Like the Everlasting Hills

When I am with God 
my fear is gone;
in the great quiet of God
my troubles are as 
pebbles on the road,
my joys are like
the everlasting hills.

Walter Rauschenbusch

Encouragement comes in many forms and places. I've needed encouragement lately; it's been half a year since I was last in a place I'm really comfortable and feel known by friends (WA State). Since then I've lived in two towns for 3 months each... I'm settling in this place, but I don't have strong heart connections with people yet, naturally. So, when worries arise or the enemy sends lies that make me feel condemned, I don't have as many places to go. There have been some lonely and dark days.

I want to say that in these times I find all the comfort I need in God's Word and prayer... I feel like that's the "right way," the truly spiritual way. But, I think that God works in many ways. His Word does bring hope and truth that lightens my path, but sometimes it's hard to metabolize it on my own and sometimes praying by myself feels lonely.

Humorously, one of the lights of hope I saw this week was in a new friend's bathroom; she decorates with pretty cards and quotes. I copied the quote, which you see above, and later illustrated it. Drawing and coloring in connection to prayer and reflection has been another joy lately. And, I am most thankful for meaningful time with people here (unity in the Body of Christ): I was able to share some of my struggles and pray with a couple ladies at Bible study. One of them invited me to hang out soon. I went walking with two ladies the next day and over to one of their houses for ice cream and a movie the next day. God works in many ways.


  1. Thank you for sharing this. The quote is amazing as is your honesty and the Lord coming to meet some of your needs. Keep being honest so people can pray. Being a missionary IS HARD. You have many rewards in heaven!

  2. Thank God for your friend's bathroom. The hardest part of mission life is loneliness and home sickness. May God continually give you strength, encouragement and hope as well as his words. We are praying for you.
