
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Prayer Board

  • Please help us not to get worried.
  • Thank you for sending your Spirit.
  • Thank you for school.
  • Help Braden get better soon. x3
  • Thank you for my dream.
  • Thank you for the crickets.
  • Please help the Ica people to get the Bible in their own language.
Join us in our morning prayers! I have the joy of leading a prayer time with the older kids each morning. As the kids come in they write down praises, thanks, and requests. Then we read a devotional from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. Then we pray. It's a refreshing way to start the day. I love to hear the kids' prayers... especially how they pray about things big and small.

1 comment:

  1. This is makes me smile :-) keep up the great work friend. Thank you for the reminder that God uses many things to encourage x
