
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Beyond Deception... Light

I've been remembering things God has done and taught me lately. My Bible study group is going through Deuteronomy, which reminded me of the importance of remembering. God instructed Israel to remember His miracles, love, and laws. He gave them ceremonies, written records, traditions... all so they would remember.

So this image comes from a day, maybe 10 years ago, when I was really frustrated with all the things I thought God wanted me to do, and the things I thought He was condemning me for. In exasperation, I got in my car and drove to the beach one morning.

The whole beginning of the drive I told God all my frustrations, rejecting all the laws and condemnation I felt coming from Him. Part way to the coast, after all the pushing away, I felt peace.

Then I realized that I hadn't been yelling at God, I'd been yelling at who I thought was God... Satan, the father of lies, who disguises himself quite well... He had twisted good things in God's Word to make me think that God was a taskmaster condemning me. When I pushed those things away I had peace because I had rejected deception and returned to the Light, to Christ and the Truth that He loved me, had forgiven me all sins, and would enable me to do the good things He'd called me to.

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