
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Pray for Pascaria: Part III

Since my posts in June I’ve been involved in helping Pascaria (yes, the one I called fat a couple posts ago) get the medical attention needed. It’s just been so confusing and… indefinable, that I haven’t posted an update.

So many things kept going wrong... Surprising diagnoses were considered. (The symptoms weren't currently visible, so doctors thought 7 years of reoccurring pain might be psychological.) Multiple doctors were seen. Appointments were waited for, and missed, and waited for again. Money and a phone was stolen. Sister Suzana, our friend the nun, was helpful on multiple accounts. Lots of letters and phone calls happened (in Swahili).

And, prayer continued among many people (thank you!), until… Pascaria left this morning for surgery, which is to take place on Thursday! Praise for God's guidance in getting this far. Please pray for the surgery to go well, for Pascaria's complete healing, and for God to be glorified.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Draw Near

I'm enjoying a study of Hebrews with my friends in Musoma, TZ. We came to chapter 10 this week, which is a place of summing up and focusing on the major points. I wanted to review the previous chapters first, and ended up with these two drawings.

The first shows how Jesus is presented in the opening of Hebrews: The Son of God made human, higher than the angels.

The second shows how Jesus ushers us into God's presence. He obtained the promises that God had given to Adam & Eve, Abraham, Moses, David, and Israel... the promises to make them His people, in their hearts and not just by heritage, despite their sin.

And the promises are for us, so Hebrews exhorts:

Pay attention...
Consider Him...
Draw near...
Hold fast...

It's not always the easiest thing to do, because there are lies that draw me from fully believing that God loves and accepts me... Even when I'm confused, even when I don't want to help a friend, even when I don't see how I'm useful... But then He provides His word and friends to remind me that He's the faithful one... So I keep remembering to have faith in His faithfulness... and somehow my thoughts and the actions straighten out in that experience... That's what I hear in Hebrews.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

I Called Her Fat... And She Smiled

I don't have a photo to prove it, but my friend Pascaria gained weight this week. She spent the week away, waiting for a doctor's appointment (which yielded positive things! ...If you've been praying for her, I'll have more to share in the next few weeks... it's a bit of a long story...). So, she didn't have to worry about kids and cooking and all her normal tasks. She's just a little plumper than when she left, which suits her well.

The fun thing is, in Tanzania it's culturally a positive to gain weight; it shows you're doing well. So, if someone calls you fat it's just an observation, or a compliment. It took some cultural-mind-over-matter for me to do it, coming from a different culture, but I got up my nerve and told Pascaria that she'd gained weight. She smiled and told me how she'd enjoyed the rest that led to the fat.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Strange but True

When I was last in the States I casually said something about "my guard." Whatever I was actually saying was immediately forgotten in the surprise my listeners felt at my having a guard. A body guard?! No, I'm not that famous.

We have three guards for different shifts during the week. They take care of the dogs, watch the house/property, and take care of the yard. It's pretty common here, because of theft and to provide jobs in the community. It's become so second nature to me that I forgot to preface it in my conversation in the States.

Last week our guards asked to have a meeting. We were a bit nervous that there might be a problem. However, it turned out that they wanted to thank us for the work, for helping them when they're sick, and for giving raises and loans. We wanted to thank them for taking such care in their work and watching out for us and for teaching us about living in Musoma. Then we talked about training our dogs, which is quite another story (a comedy or a tragedy?!). We talked about plans that two of them are making to marry in the near future! We drank tea and laughed.

It's just fun to see how God has given these relationships for mutual blessing.