
Sunday, August 16, 2015

I Called Her Fat... And She Smiled

I don't have a photo to prove it, but my friend Pascaria gained weight this week. She spent the week away, waiting for a doctor's appointment (which yielded positive things! ...If you've been praying for her, I'll have more to share in the next few weeks... it's a bit of a long story...). So, she didn't have to worry about kids and cooking and all her normal tasks. She's just a little plumper than when she left, which suits her well.

The fun thing is, in Tanzania it's culturally a positive to gain weight; it shows you're doing well. So, if someone calls you fat it's just an observation, or a compliment. It took some cultural-mind-over-matter for me to do it, coming from a different culture, but I got up my nerve and told Pascaria that she'd gained weight. She smiled and told me how she'd enjoyed the rest that led to the fat.

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