
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Strange but True

When I was last in the States I casually said something about "my guard." Whatever I was actually saying was immediately forgotten in the surprise my listeners felt at my having a guard. A body guard?! No, I'm not that famous.

We have three guards for different shifts during the week. They take care of the dogs, watch the house/property, and take care of the yard. It's pretty common here, because of theft and to provide jobs in the community. It's become so second nature to me that I forgot to preface it in my conversation in the States.

Last week our guards asked to have a meeting. We were a bit nervous that there might be a problem. However, it turned out that they wanted to thank us for the work, for helping them when they're sick, and for giving raises and loans. We wanted to thank them for taking such care in their work and watching out for us and for teaching us about living in Musoma. Then we talked about training our dogs, which is quite another story (a comedy or a tragedy?!). We talked about plans that two of them are making to marry in the near future! We drank tea and laughed.

It's just fun to see how God has given these relationships for mutual blessing.


  1. We are thankful for them and the work they do too. Please tell them that we are praying for them also.
