
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Done with That Teaching Thing

Thanks to my co-teacher, Lyndy Henrickson, for taking this photo!
Why teach when you can have your students do it for you?! It's pretty fun to have an older student in the learning center. He takes science with the other students, so it seemed like this 6th grader needed an extra challenge. And he rose to the occasion; his first lesson was leading an experiment that illustrated why polar bears benefit from having black skin (yes, black, under the white fur!) by putting thermometers under black and white bags in the sun. He asked questions and gave directions... like a teacher. (I was just curious about the temperature... not teaching something.) He's taking care of Monday's lesson, introducing marsupials. I may be working myself out of a job.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty sure that's our aim as teachers, right? To instill a sense of learning that takes kids past our teaching and into their own exploration of learning... and teaching others. And I think the kids (and parents! and Dar!) love you too much to let you go any time soon, so you're pretty secure job wise. ;)
