
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Keeping up the Theme

Last week I had a student teach the other students about marsupials. This week a different student taught me something...

She learned to crochet from her grandmother (in the Netherlands) and her house-helper (in Tanzania... quite the multi-lingual child!). She's an avid artist, and enjoys figuring out how to make new crochet items. So, when I asked for a "how to" essay, crocheting was the choice.

It's quite the essay. I asked her to bring in supplies when I was checking the rough draft. I didn't allow her to give extra oral directions, wanting to see if the written directions communicated clearly. They did! Now, I'm not saying I produced a dainty doily. (Her directions assure me that is normal the first few tries.) But, the words on the page led me through the initial steps accurately.

You can see, in the first picture, how much focus the excersise required... and how interested my student was in seeing me try out her hobby!

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