
Monday, October 26, 2015

Advertising Help?

Please share this if it makes you think of a possible match!

Lake Victoria Learning Center in Musoma, Tanzania is in urgent need of an elementary teacher to join their team.

If you are a certified teacher with at least one year of experience, then this is a great opportunity to work in a unique, multi-level, non-traditional setting which enables several missionary families to continue their work in Tanzania. 

If God is calling you to this ministry, we’d love to explore the options with you. We would like to have you in country by January 2016… or July 2017, with a commitment of at least 18 months.
Please contact Toby Mak in the Uganda-Tanzania Branch’s Human Resources Department at

Please pray that God would call the right person to this position.

Also, we now have an LVLC website to help share about our learning center.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Musing on a Painter's Palette

Sometimes I like the palette just as much as the actual painting... spontaneous mix of colors with lively strokes.

I wonder if God finds similar pleasure in watching the lives of His children in process. Maybe a seemingly random mess made on the side of the canvas of our lives is, to Him, a necessary and beautiful part of His work.

Maybe that's a way to think about trials. I've been struggling with unexplained sleepless nights, and the effects that follow: shaky hands, queasy stomach, melancholy thoughts, and clouded judgement. But I see He's worked beautiful things in what seems to me a very messy state: deeper understanding of Christ's grace and love, strengthened relationships as I reach out for help, less self reliance... Maybe this time period in my life is a palette, messy yet beautiful, and used to bring His beautiful painting towards completion.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Paper Me to Nairobi

It all started one day when I realized my housemate was going to Nairobi to pick up a family returning from 9 months away, and I had to WORK! (Disclaimer: I do like my work, it's just that a trip to Nairobi sounded really fun.) At first I tried to be adult about it: be happy for her, and focus on my work. But then I realized I didn't HAVE to be adult; I could have more fun than that. 

Earlier in the semester the kids at the learning center made "paper-selves" to mail to European countries, as part of their geography studies. So, I took the idea and sent myself to Nairobi. It was a great trip: First, I had forgotten to make my paper-me a passport, so Ronit smuggled me across the border. Then I helped her spot all the speed-bumps as she drove (something like 300 from here to Nairobi!). Of course we stopped for coffee. The view of the Rift Valley was beautiful as usual. And in Nairobi I got to go to Nakumat (the Walmart of Kenya... with an elephant mascot), eat out, and--best of all--get a big hug as I greeted our returning friends.

To find out want paper-Ronit did, check out her blog.