
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Musing on a Painter's Palette

Sometimes I like the palette just as much as the actual painting... spontaneous mix of colors with lively strokes.

I wonder if God finds similar pleasure in watching the lives of His children in process. Maybe a seemingly random mess made on the side of the canvas of our lives is, to Him, a necessary and beautiful part of His work.

Maybe that's a way to think about trials. I've been struggling with unexplained sleepless nights, and the effects that follow: shaky hands, queasy stomach, melancholy thoughts, and clouded judgement. But I see He's worked beautiful things in what seems to me a very messy state: deeper understanding of Christ's grace and love, strengthened relationships as I reach out for help, less self reliance... Maybe this time period in my life is a palette, messy yet beautiful, and used to bring His beautiful painting towards completion.

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