
Monday, October 5, 2015

Paper Me to Nairobi

It all started one day when I realized my housemate was going to Nairobi to pick up a family returning from 9 months away, and I had to WORK! (Disclaimer: I do like my work, it's just that a trip to Nairobi sounded really fun.) At first I tried to be adult about it: be happy for her, and focus on my work. But then I realized I didn't HAVE to be adult; I could have more fun than that. 

Earlier in the semester the kids at the learning center made "paper-selves" to mail to European countries, as part of their geography studies. So, I took the idea and sent myself to Nairobi. It was a great trip: First, I had forgotten to make my paper-me a passport, so Ronit smuggled me across the border. Then I helped her spot all the speed-bumps as she drove (something like 300 from here to Nairobi!). Of course we stopped for coffee. The view of the Rift Valley was beautiful as usual. And in Nairobi I got to go to Nakumat (the Walmart of Kenya... with an elephant mascot), eat out, and--best of all--get a big hug as I greeted our returning friends.

To find out want paper-Ronit did, check out her blog.

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