
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

5 Differences That Make Me Smile

A few times over the past months I've noticed the feeling that something in the USA is not my normal anymore. It's amused me to see what these things are...

1. Sorting recycling: I felt a fresh satisfaction in this chore that doesn't happen in TZ.
2. Smelling skunk: I realized I hadn't smelled that particular smell for years.
3. Filling a car with gas: The attendants fill for you in TZ, and I don't drive much anyway. It gave a sense of independence.
4. Receiving an order at a restaurant in well under an hour: I'm used to at least an hour of sitting and visiting, letting hunger grow... which is kind of a nice time.
5. Having to fully commit to a walk: In TZ I might walk from the house for an hour and decide it's too sunny to walk back, or go to the market and decide I don't want to carry the weight back. In these cases I just stand at the side of the road and wave down one of the many motorcycles for hire. It takes a little more forward thinking for me to walk here!

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