
Friday, February 12, 2016

Missionary Chocolates

These came in my stocking Christmas morning. They're so deliciously decadent that they deserve a slow nibble.

Isn't it considerate for a company to specifically think of missionaries, and our chocolate needs? This Rx fits well on a list I made at the Wycliffe program for returning missionaries mentioned in my last post. It's a list of ways to rest. I made it because I know I'm run down and need physical and spiritual rest, but it's so easy to be busy while I'm in the States.

Some other things on the list are: swim, make art, go for walks, focus on the moment, listen to music that reminds me of God's truth, share meals, take a break from my phone, pray, sit in nature, do computer work at a café instead of at home...
 (Actually, the company may have other aims besides giving rest to missionaries...

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