
Saturday, February 20, 2016

With a Little Help From My Friends

Some of you have been wondering... "Those zig zag brownies! Was she able to finish the whole pan in time, before she had to leave?!" And you may not even have realized how well fed I was all week, at the Wycliffe Connections program, making it a challenging task.

The week was thoughtfully and lovingly designed for missionaries returning from the field. They gave us time to rest, to reflect, to share our stories, to learn about organizational issues and resources, to worship with our Wycliffe USA colleagues, and more.

One of my favorite parts was chatting with people who share similar experiences. My friends in the States are lovely listeners, and we connect on so many topics. However, it was a fun treat to be able to mention a unique cross-cultural joy or missionary life struggle and have the listeners know just what I meant because it's true in their lives too. 

So, let your fears over my brownies be allayed. I met some new friends, these two ladies who just finished a New Testament Bible translation in South America. (One worked on it 40 years!!) They gallantly helped me finish off the brownies for breakfast the last morning!

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