
Saturday, April 9, 2016

A Lot

I've been meditating on Psalm 16, especially verses 5 & 6: Jehovah is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

I looked up the noun "lot" in the dictionary because it's not frequently in my vocabulary. You can see my brainstorming in the photo here...

A lot is a small piece of land that could be used for building something. I thought of how Jesus counseled us to build our house, our life, on a rock, on Him. And I thought of how the apostle Paul called believers in Christ temples of the Holy Spirit. So we're built on Christ and filled with His Spirit, held in the Father's hand. That feels safe.

Also, a lot is a number of units of an article... or a parcel of articles offered as one item. I thought of how each life is made up of a "parcel" of events, people, personality traits, talents, places, messages heard, etc. Right now I'm tied to two countries/communities and I'm considering the talents and messages that the Father has placed in my life as I look to the future. There's so much richness! Then I thought of how Jesus said that we will save our lives if we lose them for His sake. I don't know how exactly, but I let go of my claim to all these gifts and seek His will.

Finally, the use of lots is a means of deciding something. The lot just falls; in a way it's free because you don't earn the outcome. I thought of how James wrote that we're freely given every good and perfect gift from the Father of Lights. That's every mountain, every joy, every meal, everything good. And Jehovah freely gave us His Son to save us from our sins. His Son freely gave His life. We're saved by grace, not works.

So these are my musings on a lot... the lot held by Jehovah who gives us abundant safety in His Son and riches that we can use for His good will. These are good truths to dwell on as I rest.

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