
Monday, April 4, 2016

Carley Cat

I really like it when I come into my room and find a Carley lump under the covers. At first they surprised me and I thought I'd forgot to make my bed, but then I noticed the squishiness and purring.

I've heard it's always good to put a cat on your blog at least once a year, so people keep reading... Cute Appeal I think was the technical term. Or, maybe it's the old axiom, "When in doubt and you haven't posted recently, consider a cat."

Also, I'm learning a lot from this cat. There are no better experts on relaxation than cats, and my focus right now is rest, as I shared on a previous post. Resting isn't natural to the culture around me, so I look to Carley culture... Lay around, eat, lay [your head] on a person, take a bath, eat, lay on a pillow, look out the window, meditate, lay on a bed, w
atch a squirrel. In short, "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

1 comment:

  1. Carlie taught me to carefully look for suspicious lumps before I collapse onto the bed. We had a close call once.
