Friday, May 26, 2017

Talking Toes

We're finishing up the semester, including our study of African geography. One interesting fact: some people groups in western Africa used toe puppets to free their hands to play instruments during story telling!

My oldest student took the teaching role for a toe puppet craft lesson last week. We walked through the lesson plan together: objectives, attention getter, directions, etc... Then she gathered and set up all the supplies, taught the lesson, and here you see the results!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Be Still

Sometimes, especially if I haven't slept well for awhile or if I have a cold, my thoughts can get dark and messy. I'm drawn to not only negative thoughts, but untrue thoughts. God's been teaching me to "be still and know that He is God." Ps. 46:10

Sometimes "be still" means I actually slow down, lie in a hammock, or sit and watch the sunset. Sometimes it means I push away thoughts that race around and overwhelm. And, with the Spirit's help, I "know that He is God"; I focus on true things about His character, or my place as His child in Christ, or just about how pretty He made the sky and things I'm thankful for. A dark day can turn bright and exciting. I'm so thankful for His teaching!

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Today after work I went into town to do a few errands: printing photos, fruit shopping, etc. On my way from the market to the bank I spotted an alley, half in shade, quite welcome in the heat of the afternoon. And it was an alley I'd never walked through, despite the smallness of Musoma "downtown." I love that there are new places to experience, even after being here almost four years.

And that's just in one spot on earth! Who knows what plans God has for the future?! There are people to meet, places to go, parts of His character to comprehend, good works to walk in... It's beyond imagination.