
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Post #300!! The End

I started this blog 8 years ago, setting out stay connected with people in the States and share about culture, Bible translation, and teaching missionary kids (in Dar and Musoma). After skimming through 299 posts this morning, I see I've done that. I've also written posts about fun experiences and spiritual reflections, among other things. It brings smiles and tears!

My second blog post was about how I was building a partnership team, and how that is an example of the body of Christ: people in the States supporting me so I could support translators who could translate God's Word for/with people in TZ. As I reflect back on the years with Wycliffe I think the body of Christ is one of the most precious things I experienced, and in more ways than I imagined when I wrote that post. God's shown me how much I need others, giving me many beautiful and deep friendships in this time. He's shown me how good (and hard) it is to love and encourage each other in the Word. He's used me as one part of His body, even across culture.

My passion is to keep growing with the body as I walk this new path before me I couldn't possibly find one photo to represent all the people God's blessed me with. But just this morning I Skyped with my Wycliffe supervisor in the States. She read me a picture book (đŸ’—!) of the 23rd Psalm. So there I am, in Christ's arms, about to go frolic with my fellow sheep!

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