Friday, February 17, 2017

Anticipation of a Wedding

Tomorrow is the big day! Our former guard weds his lady love! (See Hongera Mr. Sakwa! for backstory.) I've only been to one Tanzanian wedding, and that was a few years ago, for a couple I didn't even know. So, I'm excited to truly celebrate this one. Here are some things that I'm anticipating:

  1. I think the service will be long, followed by more ceremony at the reception... 
  2. Part of which will be gift giving. We went colorful for the gift, because that seems culturally appropriate. 
  3. The fun part about gift giving is I'll probably get to dance the gift up to the front of the room.
  4. Sometime in the day the wedding party will leave to take photos along the lake. I've been asked to drive the parents of the groom there. That means I get to be part of the wedding car procession... Usually cars are decorated with big ribbons, there is a band playing in the back of a truck, everyone is honking, and all the cars swerve back and forth the whole route!!
  5. We'll probably eat pilau, a traditional rice dish with potatoes, spices, and maybe bits of meat. We'll definitely drink soda. 
  6. Knowing Mr. Sakwa, I think I'll see some tears in the ceremony! 
  7. And, it's guaranteed that I'll learn something new about TZian culture.

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